The Eastern Cape offers major cities, airports, ports as well as a dynamic manufacturing sector, which includes the southern African bases of some of the world's major companies. The province lies equidistant from the major market centers of South Africa and is linked to those centers by a modern network of air, roads and railways. The province's manufacturing sector is already quite well integrated into the world economy. For example, nearly 50% of the 120 large-scale enterprises are part of international corporations; while over 50% of the large-scale
enterprises are exporting more than 25% of their output.
Eastern Cape Development Corporation
The Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC) is the
official implementing agency of the policies of the Department
of Economic Affairs, Environment and Tourism. It is partially funded by the provincial government and reports to a board of directors representing: government, business and labour. ECDC works closely with ministries, chambers, municipalities and government departments to develop and support entrepreneurs and investors in the provincial economy.
Targeted sectors for foreign direct investment (FDI) are:
Agriculture |
crops, agro-processing, dairy products, wool & mohair manufacturing |
Automotive industry |
Electronics & IT |
Minerals, metals & engineering |
Pharmaceuticals |
Plastics |
Textiles & clothing, leather & leather products |
Tourism |
various parks, museums, craft markets, reserves and resorts |
Fisheries |
Forestry & wood products, furniture |