Business Permit
A business permit is issued to a foreigner who plans to establish his/her own business or wants to invest in an existing business venture. This permit is issued and valid for 24 months and may be extended.
- BI-1738 application form;
- One photograph (35 mm x 45 mm);
- Original passport and a copy of the data pages of the passport;
- Prescribed fee;
- BI-811 medical certificate & BI-806 radiological report;
- Full birth certificate;
- Marriage certificate, where applicable;
- The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident, where applicable;
- Proof of a union recognized in terms of the Recognition of Customary Marriage, where applicable;
- Divorce decree, where applicable;
- Proof of court order awarding custody, where applicable;
- Death certificate, iro late spouse, where applicable;
- Written consent from both parents, where applicable;
- Proof of legal adoption, where applicable;
- Legal separation order, where applicable;
- Police clearance certificate
- A vaccination certificate;
(A Yellow Fever Certificate is required from travellers entering from or passing through the Yellow Fever area. Travellers flying directly from Korea do not require a yellow fever vaccination certificate.)
- Certificate issued by a chartered accountant registered with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountant, that at least R 2.5 million in cash or a capital contribution of at least R 2.5 million, or at least R 2 million in cash and a capital contribution of at least R 500,000, all originating from abroad, is available to be invested as part of the book value of the business.
The capitalization requirement may be reduced or waived in respect of the following businesses
(a) Information and Communication Technology
(b) clothing and textile manufacturing
(c) chemicals and bio-technology industry
(d) agro-processing industry
(e) metals and minerals refinements industy
(f) automotive manufacturing industry
(g) tourism industry; and
(h) crafts.
Requests for the waiver of the aforesaid stipulated captialisation requirements iin term sof section 15(1)(a) of the Immigration Act, 2005 must be lodged to the following offices of the Department of Trade & Industry, South Africa. |
- A business plan outlining the feasibility of the business, both in the short and long term
- Proof or an undertaking that at least five citizens or permanent residents shall be permanently employed
- Where the application is in respect of an investment in an existing business (who invests or has invested as a partner); where partnership agreements containing full details of the partners/directors and their residential status in the Republic
- Documentation proving the investment by means of shareholder’s or partnership agreements, if an existing business
- Undertaking to register with the appropriate statutory body, required by the nature of the business (proof of registration with the relevant body, board or council, if applicable)
- If it is an existing business, financial statements in respect of the preceding financial year proving viability of the business
- Undertaking to register with the South African Revenue Service
- Payment of a deposit