Relative Permit
A relative permit is issued to a member of the immediate family of the sponsoring citizen or resident in SA. The period of validity of the permit shall be determined by the financial assurance provided, but will not exceed a period of 24 months at a time. Holders of this permit are not allowed to work.
- BI-1738 application form;
- One photograph (35 mm x 45 mm);
- Original passport and a copy of the data pages of the passport;
- BI-811 medical certificate & BI-806 radiological report;
- Family registry i.r.o. full birth certificate, full marriage certificate or other items ;
- Police clearance certificate;
- A vaccination certificate;
(A Yellow Fever Certificate is required from travellers entering from or passing through the Yellow Fever area. Travellers flying directly from Korea do not require a yellow fever vaccination certificate.)
- Proof of foreigner being a member of the immediate family of the sponsoring citizen or resident ; and
- ertification by a chartered accountant or proof of corroborated documentation.